tuner's top 10

John Musselwhite john@musselwhite.com
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 10:21:57 -0700

At 08:20 PM 12/26/2000 -0800, Terry wrote:

>Hi list, and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

I hope everyone had a good one!

>I'd like to get a "tuner's top 10" of favorite piano pieces, specifically 
>selected to demonstrate the finished tuning. I'm looking for something 
>relatively short, "easy" and not too fast; your basic allegro would be my 
>limit, but I would

One suggestion would be to get the "Reader's Digest Treasury of Best Loved 
Songs" book (the green one with a blue spine) and learn their arrangement 
of "All The Things You Are". It's fairly familiar, not too difficult and 
the chord voicings are great for checking a tuning since it hits almost 
every key. There are a lot of other good songs in those collections too, 
and the arrangements are pretty good. Look for them at garage sales or flea 
markets as they can be pretty pricey new ($50 CDN!).

Some others on my "list" of snippets or whole tunes I like to play 
depending on the piano, the customer and my mood are the Mozart Rondo Ala 
Turka as well as the first movement of the Sonata 331, Fur Elize, The 
Moonlight Sonata, Over the Rainbow, Theme from the Pink Panther and the 
Boccerini Minuet. If the piano has a sostenuto I'll always play the opening 
bars of the Toccata and Fugue in Dm just to hold the low D.

Sometimes I throw in a Tom Lehrer tune or two just for fun like The Old 
Dope Peddler or The Hunting Song. They don't show off the tuning at all, 
but once in a while someone will recognize them and get a kick out of them.


John Musselwhite, RPT    -     Calgary, Alberta Canada
http://www.musselwhite.com  http://canadianpianopage.com/calgary
email: john@musselwhite.com    http://www.mp3.com/fatbottom

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