SV: SV: Not again! (OT)

Johan Ola Andersson
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 03:09:47 +0100

>From Don
> Hi Ola,
> He has repeatedly verbally assaulted other list members. Do have a look for
> for yourself in the archives. 
Hi Don

I been on and off this list for 2 years. I did a research about this in the archives 1.5 years ago. I can't see that Bill Bremmer is the only trouble maker here. I suppose we could get two laywers working fulltime in the archives and finding no winners but them self. 

This thing is like asking kids why did you say this and the kid say  "because he said that", and then you ask the other and he says "but he said this" and then back to the first and over again.

Bill Bremmer is like the Boy in the class that the teacher expects to act badly. So when the boy say something nice the teacher doesn't respond to that so the boy gets angry because of the negative response and then the teacher say "just as I expected he's just a troublemaker".

It would be nice to change this.

Ola Andersson

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