SV: Not again! (OT)

Johan Ola Andersson
Thu, 28 Dec 2000 03:07:53 +0100

> Greetings, 
> ola writes:
> <<I don't expect anybody having backbone to reply to this.<<
> I don't know why 

You don't know why what?

> >>On this list where anybody is arguing about anything how is it that 
> everybody can talk badly about Mr. Bremmer but you can't let him answer for 
> himself? Is he some kind of Judas just because he got new ideas and is 
> clever? >>
> As with so many questions, the answers are found in the archives. 
> Regards, 
> Ed Foote RPT

I done my homework I've been to the archives. I have also been on (and off) this list for 2 years. There are atleast as many inuslts from the list as it is from him. There are also alot technical information that are easy to read and understand there from Bill Bremmer. Where I find Bill in the archives I also find Ed. Why do you two brilliant guys with the same interests fight eachother instead of work together for the same goal. I find this very strange.  There are place for both of you in the tuners hall of fame . You are both HT lovers and musicains. Work together.

Ola Andersson

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