When to do it

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 23:02:38 +0100

kam@flash.net wrote:

> >Ron, List,
>  I do remember if the key were releasedslowly, the jack would just barely not
> go back completely under the hammer butt.  That was the intended relationship
> as I understood it presented

This is a more correct description of Yamahas intention in this regard... at
least thats how it was presented by Leroy in Oslo on his two visits here in the
80's. The point was that the jack should be regulated as high as you could get
away with... and that meant that it had to be able to slip under the knuckle,
but lower then than that it did not need to go.

> I just don't know that 'settling' was Yamaha's reason for doing
> this in the class I attended.

I do not think it was. Nor was this mentioned at these classes.

> Keith McGavern aka Mc
> Registered Piano Technician
> Oklahoma Chapter 731
> Piano Technicians Guild

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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