Noodling-Off List

Diane Hofstetter
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 13:12:47 -0900

Hi Wim,

  Your post struck a chord here.  Murray has been doing something similiar 
for a couple of years now.  He has recently added another thing to try that 
might interest you.  He gets fake books, selects artists and songs he likes, 
then follows the chord progressions only, "noodling" the right hand.  After 
a while at this, he plays the piece the artist wrote.

  He says it has taught him a lot and he finds it very interesting to hear 
what changes different artists have selected.

  His own music is getting better and better.

Wishing you a Happy New Year,

>"NOODLING," by Willem Blees. I don't play the piano, but over the years I
>have developed a kind of playing that includes arpeggios in the left hand 
>chords or random melody in the right. I have two variations on this, either
>all on the white keys, or all on the black keys. I just let my fingers go,
>keeping in mind some basic chord structures. I never play the same thing
>twice. Hence I call my piece, "Variations on an unfamiliar theme." Most of 
>customers think it sounds good enough to say, "You play so nice." One piano
>teacher, however, once remarked: that was the most interesting chord
>progressions she had ever heard.
>Willem  that

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