When to do it - do it now

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 12:25:42 -0600

>OK, smarty pants, :) Even if I did do all the measuring, (which I didn't), 
>what if I did find movement in the keybed. Why is the keybed moving so much 
>as to cause lost motion? ( I had to turn each capstan about 1/2 a turn.)  Was 
>it the moisture in the back rail cloth? Did the back rail flatten out?  I 
>don't seem to have this problem with other pianos. Why is it happening on 
>Yamaha studios? I thought Yamaha's were supposed to be better than the 
>average piano, which does not have this problem?

Aha! Now we're getting somewhere! <G> If the keybed is moving, I don't know
why, but then I don't know if the keyboard is moving or not if I haven't
measured anything to find out, so this isn't the question here. I also
don't know if it was the back rail cloth - could have been the keybed, but
I can't say because it was neither verified or eliminated. The back rail
might have flattened out, but the back rail cloth might have changed and
just given that impression - that is, if the keybed didn't bow. There just
isn't enough information here to know one way or another unless someone out
there has noticed the trend, taken the time to take measurements over time,
eliminated the innocent, and crunched out the diagnosis. Even so, she may
not chose to tell us what she found out (at least so far), so it's up to
those of us experiencing the problem to find out for ourselves and compare
data and conclusions. So far we just have guesses - because no one has
taken measurements from an actual piano exhibiting the problem, and tried
to establish a cause and effect relationship.

Something is sure causing the problem, but without some field diagnosis and
elimination, we'll never know. I wasn't trying to be difficult - well, ok,
I guess I was, but I'm just pointing out what we all already know about
troubleshooting. This isn't any different than any of the other gremlins we
routinely track down and tame every day.

Ron N

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