after Christmas PANICK !!!

Marcel Carey
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 13:12:09 -0500

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Hi and best wishes to all on this list. May you find love and happinness =
this coming year.

I was just wondering how many of you on this list got the panick call =
the day after X-mas, you know the one about the glass of red wine spille =
in the brand new Yamaha grand... It make me wonder how stupid people can =
get when they abuse or the red staining liquid... Now the question:  =
Should I just go and replace everything that was touched by the wine or =
just clean-up???
Since the piano is brand new and someone's responsability insurance will =
probably cover the costs, I was thinking more of replacement plus =
clean-up. What's your opinion on this one.

Marcel Carey, accordeur technicien
(819) 564-0447

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