When to do it

Newton Hunt nhunt@jagat.com
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 13:37:32 -0500

> No, this is not a UI. It's a P1. The capstans are the short kind, turned with 
> the special Yamaha capstan tool.
> Willem

If it is a P-1 it is ancient and any condition may prevail. 
The P-1 hasn't been made in close to 40 years as close as I
can recall.

The basic criteria for capstan adjustment on a vertical is,
"at rest will the jack move back under the butt under it's
own spring tension".  Whatever lost motion is need to allow
this to happen is what lost motion is needed.

Yamahas have a superbly designed and executed action and I
have found that no lost motion to hammers off the rail still
allows the action to perform well.  Excessive distance from
the rest rail will effect performance even on a Yamaha.

I liked the old P-1s.  I do not like the replacement P2-B. 
Those were/are not easy to tune.
		Newton Hunt
		Highland Park, NJ

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