When to do it

Wed, 27 Dec 2000 10:34:52 EST

Wim wrote:

balance rail would have to move quite a bit for it to effect the capstan to 
the point that it creates, or eliminates lost motion. Or am I missing 

Yep sho be doin jus dat. :-)

a very small change in balance rail height will have an effect on hammer 
setting. Try putting a very small amount of regulating punchings under a well 
regulated hammer line and see what that does to the hammer line. I believe 
you will find that as balance rail height rises the hammers will rise also 
and as balance rail height goes down the hammer line will fall. On a properly 
set grand this will result in a change in hammer line height...but on a 
vertical it very often leads to lost motion or to hammers standing off of the 
hammer rest rail......generally speaking, of course. :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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