When to do it

kam@flash.net kam@flash.net
Wed, 27 Dec 2000 09:37:06 -0600

>...Since I feel that the immediate customer complaint has priority
>(within reasonable mechanical limitations) over manufacturers' allowances
>for anticipated settling, this gets everyone off the hook without wasting
>time duplicating effort after the action settles down...
>Ron N

Ron, List,

I would certainly attend to the customer's needs as you, Ron, to satisfy a
complaint.  I just don't know that 'settling' was Yamaha's reason for doing
this in the class I attended.  I do remember if the key were released
slowly, the jack would just barely not go back completely under the hammer
butt.  That was the intended relationship as I understood it presented.

Maybe someone in the know will eventually respond as Clyde has requested.

>So what do you tell customers with new Yamaha verticals who complain about
>repetition problems to get them to put up with it until next year?...

Wait 'til next year to play???

Keith McGavern aka Mc
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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