When to do it

Tue, 26 Dec 2000 08:28:50 EST

<<<<">I don't understand how balance rail movement could effect lost motion?

<<"Duh! You're right!  I'm out of off the cuff theories!

Cmon guys y'all been in too much eggnog! :-))

'if' the BR is bowing up and flattening out with in humidity it is only 
natural that the capstans are changing positions also..ain't it?  And ain't 
it the capstan height that determines lost motion being present or not?
A bowed up blance rail would seem to me to produce hammers setting off of the 
hammer rail and, vicyversey, a flattened rail would tend to introduce lost 
motion if' the hammers were let down while the thingee was bowed........or is 
'my' egg nog fermented? :-)
Jim Bryant (FL)

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