When to do it

Clyde Hollinger cedel@supernet.com
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 07:27:13 -0500


Sounds good to me.  Any time I find the piano "seesaw-ing" because of seasonal
humidity changes, I would look for a way to remedy the situation without having
to charge the client extra every time -- except, of course, in a concert
situation, I suppose.  I rarely do concert work.  Humidity control is still my
favorite fix.

One question:  Do you glue the leather in?  If not, doesn't it fall out the
first time the soft pedal is used?

Regards, Clyde

kam544@flash.net wrote:

> Patrick, List,
> Same experience as yours, Patrick.  I service numerous U1s' in a university
> environment, as well as some churches regularly, and usually have adjusted
> lost motion ever visit (2x per year minumum).  This has been going on for
> many years.
> Finally got this great idea that serves the same purpose in 15 seconds or
> less each visit.  One season I install a piece of leather under the hammer
> rest rail stops when the jacks don't return under the hammer butts, then
> the next season, when there is excess lost motion, I remove it.
> I do realize there are exceptions to applying this method at face value,
> but for the most part, it works quite well in the areas under my
> jurisdiction!
> Keith McGavern aka McTechtrick
> Registered Piano Technician
> Oklahoma Chapter 731
> Piano Technicians Guild

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