Apology - Re: SAMA Piano Co.

Avery Todd avery@ev1.net
Tue, 26 Dec 2000 08:23:29 -0600

Wim and list,

    I think (hope) this is just another example of misinterpreting what
someone wrote and responding too quickly without enough
consideration of what I was reading and saying.
    I've responded privately a couple of times with Kevin with
appropriate (I hope) apologies and explanations. I certainly
didn't intend to start another flare-up on the list. :-)
    I guess what I misinterpreted was this:

>     But hey, if the price is right, they CAN be made to work,,,,,,, as long
>as your standards aren't such that you think it's going to sound like a
>Steinway D when you get done.
>     I don't know what they're paying for the work, and it may be so little
>that it really is viable, but I wouldn't send a really quality piano down
>there thinking that you're going to get a really quality product on the
>cheap. Remember, you get just what you pay for.

    In my defense, I did say the following in my original post:

 >The prices seem too good to be true, so probably are!

    For some reason, at the moment I read Kevin's post, I just took it as
an attack on _my_ standards that I would even consider sending a piano
to them.
    Now, re-reading Kevin's original post, I know I was wrong. Another
case of misinterpreting someone's written remarks, which I know is
all too easy in a medium like this. For that, I do apologize.
    My primary reason for asking about SAMA is that the dealer I do some
work for has several grands of various quality "laying" around on their
sides that they've taken in trade or outright bought over the years. There
isn't a tech in that area (not Houston) that is a good rebuilder and with
my university job, I don't really have the time to do a lot of that kind of
work. Most of my time there is spent prepping new Baldwin's,
Wurlitzer's and Yamaha's. Plus some tuning. Hence the question about
SAMA. Because of the prices listed, I thought it might be worthwhile to
look into them for the dealer.
    Again, I apologize for my remarks made too quickly and will do my
best to not let it happen again. My re: Victor Borge post excepted, of
course. :-)
    Hope everyone had a great holiday and will have an even better and
even more prosperous New Year.

Regards to all,

At 10:15 PM 12/25/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I have to agree with Kevin on this one. He gave what I thought was a very
>honest, straight forward answer to your inquiry. He didn't say anything
>derogatory about SAMA, just his honest opinion of the kind of work they did.
>There was nothing in his remarks that I would call "crap."
>In a message dated 12/25/00 7:44:03 PM Central Standard Time,
>ramsey@extremezone.com writes:
><< Avery, I'm shocked! You asked about the quality of their work. I replied
>  that I have quite a bit of experience with pianos which have been rebuilt.
>  If you don't want an answer in detail, then please don't ask. I don't know
>  what you're referring to as crap, but at the bottom of each e-mail I send in
>  you will notice my e-mail address. All you have to do is click on it and
>  send me a personal note.
>  ----- Original Message -----
>  From: "Avery Todd" <avery@ev1.net>
>  To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
>  Sent: Monday, December 25, 2000 2:39 PM
>  Subject: Re: SAMA Piano Co.
>  > Kevin,
>  >
>  >     Where did all this crap come from? I simply asked a question if
>  > anyone knew anything about their work. Sorry if I offended you by
>  > asking that!
>  >
>  > Avery >>

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