Victor Borge-The Rest of the Story

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 12:54:22 -0600


>Sorry to bring this up on Christmas Eve, folks, but some people's ill 
>chosen words are not easily forgotten.

.....and apparently never to be forgiven, either.
      <snipe snip>
Nice Christmas spirit, Bill!!

....The Grinch lives...

But then you did us a favor with:
At 12:00 12/24/2000 -0500, you wrote:
>Here is the entire text of the report from Reuters:
<mega schnipp>

Thank you for posting the entire article.  I don't get a Sunday paper, so 
had not read it.

Here's wishing the spirit of Christmas to all.

Conrad Hoffsommer - Decorah, Ia.
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