1980 Mason Hamlin BB

Ward & Probst wardprobst@cst.net
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 12:48:50 -0600

Ron et al,

We have a 1976 BB that was reconditioned after a tornado in 1979. The folks
that did it used the original parts but did a fine job of regulation,
voicing, etc. The main problems have been due to the preparation and quality
of the wood used in the parts: walking center pins, alignment problems from
warpage, etc. The piano was taken to Dallas for the work and the RH there is
typically higher than here. After a few seasonal swings we worked out the
problems. The damper action caused the most problems but it seemed to have
been neglected in the rewhatever.
The tonal quality of the piano is pretty decent, a better set of hammers
would definitely help. The belly work is mediocre but the rim is solid. If
we stay in business long enough for the sky to fall in on it again, we will
rewhatever and let you know. All in all, these pianos seem to have potential
for massive improvement with a quality rebuild/remanufacture. Should the sky
open and the money fall out....

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-pianotech@ptg.org [mailto:owner-pianotech@ptg.org]On Behalf
Of Ron Nossaman
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 11:36 AM
To: pianotech@ptg.org
Subject: Re: 1980 Mason Hamlin BB

I've got one of these in a college. It's used up, and needs your basic Mark
X Full Frontal Rebuild, including soundboard, but it's everyone's favorite
piano because it's the only one in the place that doesn't clang painfully
(comparatively). The thing I'd be most concerned about is the 45° counter
bearing angle in the V bar sections. It just wasn't a good thing to have
designed into the piano in the first place. The one I service is virtually
untunable, and produces at least a couple of broken strings per year just
from that. I'm planning a little creative modification there if the sky
ever opens up and enough money falls out for them to get the rebuild done,
since that's apparently what it will take. I haven't specifically looked at
wippen replacement details on this one, but I don't recall noticing
anything insurmountable. If there's a problem there I don't know about, I'd
like to hear it too - just in case the sky opens up.

Ron N

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