Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 22:21:05 -0600

At 21:52 12/23/2000 -0500, you wrote:

>I have called the factory on this very problem.  Their torque tolerlances are
>180 - 250 lbs.  My wrench only goes to 200.  I can't measure beyond that.  I
>am sure, however, that some pins actually go past the 250 mark.
>Mike Bratcher

If you REALLY want to measure those gorilla pins, you could use an 
automotive type torque wrench.  I've used a combination of 1/2-3/8" 
and  3/8-1/4" reducers/adapters to adapt the 1/4" drive tip to my 1/2" 
drive, 100 FootPound wrench.  I believe the readings you are quoting above 
are InchPounds, so you have to multiply your readings by 12.

It's not very accurate that way since torque wrenches are most accurate in 
mid-range, but you can get in the ballpark.
Conrad Hoffsommer - Luther College, Decorah, IA
Ignorance doesn't kill you, but it will make you sweat a lot.-Haitian proverb

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