[OT] Re: Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 22:33:51 -0600

> I wish I were sharper, it took me a
>while to figure out why it would take you 52 hours to do that bridge pin
>epoxy repair on the Samick I posted on the other day. Finally got it. I know
>it wasn't that difficult. Thanks again.
>Terry Farrell


You're welcome, sir. That 52 hour response was a little alertness test
along the same lines as the ones your customers will drop on you when you
have to extract some sort of diagnostic sense out their description of what
they think happened causing what they think resulted, precipitating the
complaint they think they have. Since they don't see the need to make it
any easier on you than necessary, I didn't see any reason that I should
either. I hope you don't mind too much (though I'd be disappointed (but
delighted) if you weren't at least a little put out <G>). Just honing your
survival reflexes a little for life out there in the scary old world.


Ron N

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