Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

MBrat70179@AOL.COM MBrat70179@AOL.COM
Sat, 23 Dec 2000 21:52:16 EST

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In a message dated 12/23/00 10:06:04 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

> Exactly what does Baldwin 
> say the problem is?  And there is a problem, believe me....If there was 
> adequate preparation at the factory they should cull these out, not put 
> them 
> on the concert tour.......How about it Baldwin?  

I have called the factory on this very problem.  Their torque tolerlances are 
180 - 250 lbs.  My wrench only goes to 200.  I can't measure beyond that.  I 
am sure, however, that some pins actually go past the 250 mark.

Mike Bratcher

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