Snappy Baldwin Tuning Pins

Phil Bondi
Fri, 22 Dec 2000 06:50:35 -0500

Happy Holidays from fridgid (it's all relative!) SW Fla.

The subject again for me is the 2 Baldwin R's located in a fine restaurant
in this area.

The one thing that I am willing to admit now to this list is:

The 'worst' offenders go sharp instead(?) of flat.
The worst offenders have the snappiest tuning pins.

Again, there is a 7-day a week schedule for these pianos..blah blah blah..

(showing my forever rookiness) there a technique for setting snappy
tuning pins so when/if they want to move, they move less than they are now?
when they go, they really go.

I THINK I know how to set a tuning pin..this situation in this environment
is getting the best of me.

hopefully, the suggestions here will help me.


fridgid rook

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