PianoDisc driver boards

robert goodale rrg@nevada.edu
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:31:54 -0800

This is in all likelihood a cable problem and has fooled me many times.
Double check the connections of the wiring harness between each of the
boards to make absolutely certain that they are tight.  Let me guess, the
bass works and it's the mid and treble that don't correct?  Double check
the little cables that have what looks like an oversized phone jack
connectors.  THese are the data cables and must be positively connected.
They must be pushed in until you hear the locking little "click".  Nina
at PDS technical support tells me she receives calls from techs on this
more than any other problem.  As mentioned, I've overlooked this one

If this is not it then it is possible that you have a bad board, but in
all the systems I have installed or repaired I have never seen one that
didn't work at all.  Typically when one goes bad a section of 6 notes
will stop working.  This is because every six notes shares a tiny little
board mounted fuse.  These are the little green resister looking thingees
placed after each of the 6 sets of rectifiers going out to the connector

Good luck,

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

Rob Kiddell wrote:

> Greetings,
> As a follow-up to my earlier PDS-128 Plus inquiry, I appear to have
> two groups of six solenoids that aren't functioning. I suspect the IC
> above the solenoid contacts, but I will have to check board solder
> traces first.
> Can the IC's be replaced, or is it easier to get a new 90-note driver
> board?
> PS: I've mounted the solenoid rail with 3 short at the bass and four
> in the treble, and attached the solenoids to the boards in that
> order. With the exception of the non-working solenoids, the system
> checks out.
> Thanks to all who have replied,
> Regards,
> Rob Kiddell RPT
> Atonal Piano Service
> http://www.telusplanet.net/public/atonal/

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