Player rebuild ??

Larry Fisher
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 07:50:32 -0800

Any takers on rebuilding some pneumatic players for me??  I've accumulated
far more easier money and so the player work is piling up.  I've got a
major down payment on one, and another that's hesitating because of the
time element ........ I don't have any.  A third one is waiting patiently,
and there would be other's but I've scarred them off with what ever I could.

I need someone that does thorough work, including resealing everything with
shellac or phenoseal, replacing valve facings, pouches, and if rusted,
valve stems.  Coating the pneumatic cloth with an aerosol sealant is really
not what I've got in mind here guys.

I'm aware of the ads in the journal, and I'll be posting this same queery
with Foxtail.

Any takers??

                               Larry Fisher RPT
   specialist in players, retrofits, and other complicated stuff
            Beau Dahnker pianos work best under water

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