PianoDisc driver boards

Rob Kiddell atonal@telusplanet.net
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:00:30 -0700


As a follow-up to my earlier PDS-128 Plus inquiry, I appear to have 
two groups of six solenoids that aren't functioning. I suspect the IC 
above the solenoid contacts, but I will have to check board solder 
traces first.

Can the IC's be replaced, or is it easier to get a new 90-note driver 

PS: I've mounted the solenoid rail with 3 short at the bass and four 
in the treble, and attached the solenoids to the boards in that 
order. With the exception of the non-working solenoids, the system 
checks out.

Thanks to all who have replied, 


Rob Kiddell RPT
Atonal Piano Service

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