Danger technical content!!

Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:21:42 EST

 I feel like Del that the drill press is not really comfortable doing this 
type of work, although that is exactly what I have been doing for years.  I 
wanted something that I would feel comfortable with for such relatively heavy 
duty work as setting capstans and reweighing keys.
 The lever(s) on my drill press is 5" long and 5/16ths dia. whereas the lever 
on the press is 12" long and  9/16ths dia. Much better leverage ratio and 
therefore much smoother, and stronger, operation with no more wear and tear 
on my drill press.

 If you are curious about what this thingee looks like go to:
and check items G4017 thru G4020, Arbor Presses.

I am sure that other makes and brands are available. 
Jim Bryant (FL)

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