straws, anyone?

Ron Koval
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 03:41:38

Hi everyone

In case you never heard about the straw trick, (or forgot you heard about 
it) I got to use it tonight on a little spinet piano.  Customer called ... 
"Can you fix broken keys, too?"

Yup, a broken hammershank, with the piece jamming up a bunch of notes.

So..... since I keep a selection of short pieces of drinking straws in my 
kit, it was just a matter of dry fitting for the right size, spreading glue 
on, sliding a short piece of straw over the shank and pressing it in place. 
SHAZZAM! repair complete

(works best with the long splits along the grain of the shank)

just doing my bit to keep this technical :)

Ron Koval
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