Moderate the list?

Kevin E. Ramsey RPT
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 19:40:30 -0800

We sure are having a lot of talk of moderating the list now-a-days. I wonder
if any of you people have noticed that there doesn't seem to be too much
reason to moderate it at all lately, because all of the topics that some
people were objecting to seem to have dropped off radar.
    Now, all the non-technical stuff that I'm deleting is about moderating
the list!!!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Jorgensen" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 2:58 AM
Subject: Re: Moderate the list?

> List,
> Here is a Moderation Suggestion,
> Adopt a set of written rules similar to this example to appear each week
> automatically.
> 1. No more than a certain percentage of non technical items. (15%
> 2. A general limit on the number of messages per day  (100 perhaps?)
> 3.  A limit to redundancy
> Contributors should scroll back 24 hours to see if their post would
> -Mike Jorgensen
> I am not for a flesh and blood moderator.

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