
Lance Lafargue
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 20:37:16 -0600

I assumed that anything with water or other stuff that didn't flash off
would swell action centers and create work, so I used the alcohol.  A strong
air blast does wonders!  What's in X-14?  Will it kill me or small pets?

Lance Lafargue, RPT
Mandeville, LA
New Orleans Chapter, PTG

-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 9:08 PM
Subject: Re: Mildew

Marcel wrote;
This morning I ran into a piano that is growing mildew. The action
and butts show the nasty stuff.................My question is:

Is there something to remove this nasty stuff. Is there a chemical product
that could be sprayed or brushed on the piano parts to kill these mushrooms
and prevent them to grow back?">>

 Yes there is and it is called X-14. This will definitely kill the existing
mold/mildew and prevent it from growing back for some indeterminite time.
 take the action out of the piano, take it outdoors and clean as much of the
stuff off as you can with a brush and airhose. Spray the action with the
X-14, lightly and allow to thoroughly dry outside. (no a small amount of
overspray will not cause rust/corrosion on metal parts or stain felts
although I would keep it off of the dampers)
 Wipe down all the interior case parts and then with a rag dampened in the
X-14 wipe down all of the interior, let it air dry.
 When everything is dry, or while you are waiting for it to dry, install a
15W or a 25W damppchaser in the bottom cavity. Probably the DC should be
installed 'without' a humidistat due to the dual problem of health concerns
and an existing mold/mildew problem. Normally I would use a humidistat but
this case I think it is contraindicated since the purpose is keeping
mold/mildew from gaining another foothold and not for stability reasons. In
any event a single15 or 25 W will not harm the piano.
 The more thorough job of cleaning you do the more the mold/mildew will be
killed so check the keys and underneath the keys for hidden thingees also.
My thoughts.
Jim Bryant (FL)

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