Danger technical content!!

Ron Nossaman RNossaman@KSCABLE.com
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 20:29:23 -0600

>I learn something every day from you, or Ron, (don't tell
>him though).

I heard that. 

>I _wondered_ why so many capstans get loose.

I can sure testify to one that wasn't screwed in. Adjusting capstans in a
Kimball "consolette" (dog leg down, should have been a "spinsole") I had
the very devil of a time with one capstan that just didn't seem to respond
in any sensible manner no matter how many times I twisted it. After some
disassembly and a key-ectomy, I found a bald threaded capstan. Nary a thread.

Ron N

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