Overshoot (was Re: Young Chang bridge pins)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 21:30:57 -0600

>...These are the indicators I have found so far.
>If it is a full perimeter metal plate, or if there are individual hitch
>pins for every note, or if there are as on the Young Chang G-200 One
>individually tied string followed by one looped string.
>Don Rose

Don, List,

The next time one misbehaves on me, I'll look for these signs.  It doesn't
happen often, mind you, just enough to question your sanity.

>...If the plate is heavy you won't be able to lift
>the piano by yourself, and *if* you succeed it will *HURT* when you drop it
>on your toes? *grin*...

Now these are bona fide clues  :)

Thanks for the input, Don.

Keith McGavern aka McPlate
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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