Overshoot (was Re: Young Chang bridge pins)

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 21:42:43 -0600

>...thicker iron bends less under a given load. Nothing here that's
>convertible to numbers exactly, just a general fudge factor to consider.
>Ron N

Ron, List,

No need to give numbers for me, Ron, but could you give me a better idea as
where to look for these "iron bends"?

>>Any other telltale signs...
>The name on the plate. If there's a "K", two "L"s and a "B", add 30%. <G>

Ahem  ;)   However, that brand doesn't typically give overshoot problems
for me, though.  Tuned one yesterday that went right where it was supposed
to.  Nary a hitch.

It seems like when I experience this overshoot, it occurs on pianos that:
1) haven't been tuned for quite awhile.
2) have an obvious neglected appearance inside (mildew, dust, etc.).
3) are very small vertical ones with not so familiar names.

How's that for "supportive shade tree logic"?

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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