tuning software for the Apple computer

RIrvingbas@AOL.COM RIrvingbas@AOL.COM
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 22:18:37 EST

Hi list,

 I just started using Cyber-Tuner a short time ago, and I love it. It's 
quick, easy to learn all the main features, and very accurate, even on the 
tough pitch raises. The only drawback, if you want to call it that, is that I 
use it on a Mac iBook, which doesn't have a built in microphone. I need a 
separate mike (I got mine at Radio Shack), plugged into the USB port. It's a 
small drawback, and a bit of a hassle, I admit, to carry and set up. 
Nonetheless, it's a great tool. Finding a good spot for the laptop can be 
tricky, so I've set mine on a chair on occasion. That's where the outboard 
mike comes in the handiest. I keep it clipped to my shirt, and it seems to 
hear really well that way. Of course, I have to move the computer about 
halfway through the tuning, but so what? On grands I set it up on the plate 

As to battery life, my iBook last a really long time on a charge, and I keep 
it plugged in whenever I can. It might be worth carrying an extension cord 
for when you need it. My customers are gracious about it, if I ask nicely.

Ray Irving
Baltimore Chapter, PTG 

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