PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

pianomarv pianomarv@home.com
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 06:43:17 -0800

I work with Mike Reiter at Allegro Piano Service here in Tacoma, WA.
Both Mike
and I went to Sacramento to qualify to install for this large dealership
we work
for, Prosser Music.  We install a lot of PinoDisc 128 plus' and have
done several G2
installations.  I think you need to call Nina at PianoDisc as you should
have 88 solenoids.

I am the field technician so I don't do many installations anymore but
as I remember we
were able to install all 88 solenoids in the G2.  I will check with Mike
today and get back
to you.

---Marvin McDonald

Rob Kiddell wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am installing a PianoDisc PDS128 Plus into a Kawai G2 piano.
> There are 81 solenoids rather than 88. Do I align the 1st solenoid to
> the A0 key, or do I leave the first 3 keys alone and start on C0?
> I have installed several Baldwin Concertmaster systems (QRS
> Pianomation solenoid engine) and they are an 80 note system. The
> extreme 4 notes in the treble and bass are excluded in the install.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Regards.
> Rob Kiddell RPT
> Atonal Piano Service
> http://www.telusplanet.net/public/atonal/

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