Moderate the list?

Woodrow, John (Parramatta)
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 18:17:35 +1100

IMO, you are looking at the wrong statistic, count the number of digests for
each year in the archives.  The number has risen from around 200 digests per
year about 5 years ago, and has been increasing on an average of 30% per
year and will get to about 1100 this year.  Keep that projection going as
more younger technicians take this sort of technology for granted.  Expect
it to double over the next 2 years.  Will you be able to cope with that?

Actually your figure of a relatively constant 'membership' size is most
enlightening when combined with the above stats.


Date:	Tue, 19 Dec 2000 07:36:17 +0200
From:	"Brian Lawson" < <>
Subject:	Re: Moderate the list?

I've been on this list for over two years, this total subscribed when I
checked last week was 386. As I recall each time I've checked it been around
that range and has never been above 400.
Many new, several lost.
I was away over part of the weekend and gained about 200 mails in my box, a
moderator would have no such luxury, he/she could never get a day off (or an
hour off) as I write this now its 7:30am some of you will see it early if
you are on the west coast, others later today when you wake up. What time
zone would the moderator be in? The point is if this message was moderated
would it show up on the list only 24 hours later?
Brian Lawson, RPT
Johannesburg, South Africa

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