Moderate the list?

Richard Moody
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 01:45:38 -0600

----- Original Message -----
From: Clyde Hollinger <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 4:28 PM
Subject: Moderate the list?

> Friends,
> Forgive my ignorance, but what would a moderator actually do?
> Regards,
> Clyde Hollinger

Take two days of posts and choose those you think is of interest to a
moderated list.  Or request a sample from anyone who has tried this.
Privately of course.
    The advantages of a moderated list or what a moderator could do are:
        1. Reduction of volume
        2. Sensible subject lines
        3. Comprehensive archiving
        4. Advantages of digest form
        5. Organization
        6. Efficient "polling" (on occasion)
        7. Directly related web page using HTLM indexing
               A.  Allows submission and orginazation of attachments wo risk
or bulk
                        to individual subscribers. JPGS, spread sheets,
wavs, mp3, etc.
                B.  Links to web sites and other sources.
                C  Allows much broader range of topics that could be sent to
                        and catagorized instead of sent out on list.  But
                        a link in the list.  Like ,humor, politics,
grievences, inspirational
        8.  Invititationals,   A piano player might be induced to write a
one or two
                time post.
        9. Call for subject.   This month's topic, Bass string tension
        10. Advertisers who would pay so the moderators might get
        11. Editing and translating.   More than one language could
                    (again the digest form makes this more feasible)
        12.  Time saved, from reading through 50 to 100 posts daily to less
than                 ten (usually)containing  relevant and organized info.
                A. pertinant comments from several posts combined into one.
                B.  Unified rather than fragmented.

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