Moderate the list?

Clyde Hollinger
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:28:41 -0500


Forgive my ignorance, but what would a moderator actually do?  I have
perception that a moderator would read every post and forward to the
list only
those deemed of general interest.  

Potentially every one of us could get steamed about that, because
something *we* thought was of general interest was kicked out by the
*big boss.*  What form of government would that most resemble? Certainly
not democracy.

Maybe we are having growing pains.  How many people subscribe to the
list now, compared with maybe two years ago?

I favor moderating ourselves.  It would take some energy, but if you
feel a post should not be on the list, just send a private message,
probably only a single sentence, to the sender.  Maybe "Please send such
messages privately" or "I feel this doesn't belong on the list."  I know
if I got a half dozen responses like that toward something I wrote, I
would soon consider what I send much more seriously.

Clyde Hollinger

Robin Blankenship wrote:

> Perhaps a
> moderator to keep things focused would be useful.

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