Old uprights - think twice?

Stephen Airy stephen_airy@yahoo.com
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 14:37:43 -0800

IMHO -- in one word:  yes.

I personally like older pianos that are at least 52" tall.  My Ricca & Son 
is about 56 or 57.   It needs to be restored, but when it's done I could 
probably have it sounding better than my family's PG-150.

At 07:16 AM 12/18/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I am wondering if there is a gradual change in our thinking taking place
>regarding old uprights.  Ten years ago I would have thought that the
>best way to advise owners of these pianos is that they be disposed of.
>Yet some of them were very well built, and it seems to me that there is
>a slow but increasing sentiment that at least the better ones are worth
>keeping.  Should we show these old beasts more respect?
>Clyde Hollinger, RPT
>Lititz, PA, USA

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