PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 17:52:27 EST

In a message dated 12/18/00 2:19:17 PM Central Standard Time, 
atonal@telusplanet.net writes:

<< I am installing a PianoDisc PDS128 Plus into a Kawai G2 piano. 
 There are 81 solenoids rather than 88. >>

I'm a bit confused. All PianoDisc kits come with 88 solenoids, and in most 
cases it is possible to install all 88. The Kawai presents a bit of a problem 
since the leg mounting bolts are right in line with the ends of the solenoid 
slot. Because of this, many installers will leave a solenoid or two off each 
end, but even on a piano like this, most of the time you can relocate a new 
leg mounting bolt closer to the leg and out of the way of the slot. But in 
cases where you need to leave some solenoids off, 7 is a lot! Usually 2 or 3 
total is enough in tough situations.

If you know your slot has to be too short, and it is as long as the piano 
will permit, after it is cut, with the bed in the piano, put the lowest 3 and 
highest 3 keys on the frame and slide it in the piano. Eyeball the keys thru 
the slot and see what the first key is to be far enough inside the slot to be 
able to position a solenoid under it. For example, if the second key on the 
bass end is the first to be able to be accessed by a solenoid, then I "X" out 
the 1st key mark on my marking stick to remind myself not to install that 
solenoid on the rail. Same with the treble end.

Hope this helps.

Dave Bunch

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