PianoDisc PDS128Plus question

Richard Brekne Richard.Brekne@grieg.uib.no
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 00:10:19 +0100

First... why only 81 solinoids.. I cant remember not being able to get at
least 85 in a piano. As for where to begin and where to end... That has a
good deal to do with how much room you got at either end of the keybed.
How much do you eventually have to cut out of the legs for the slot...

In general tho.. I try and leave as many blanks on each side. Make sure
you hook the solenoids up to the right numbers on the driver boards. If
you start at key number 2 for example.. make sure that solenoid is
connected to note 2 on the bass driver board.

Where you located ?

Rob Kiddell wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am installing a PianoDisc PDS128 Plus into a Kawai G2 piano.
> There are 81 solenoids rather than 88. Do I align the 1st solenoid to
> the A0 key, or do I leave the first 3 keys alone and start on C0?
> I have installed several Baldwin Concertmaster systems (QRS
> Pianomation solenoid engine) and they are an 80 note system. The
> extreme 4 notes in the treble and bass are excluded in the install.
> Any advice would be appreciated.
> Regards.
> Rob Kiddell RPT
> Atonal Piano Service
> http://www.telusplanet.net/public/atonal/

Richard Brekne
Bergen, Norway

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