Killing and pin-torque

Mon, 18 Dec 2000 09:58:53 EST

>>That being said, I'd have to say that I really look forward to the
>>fellowship that I find on the list. Sure, all the technical stuff is
>>wonderful, but I'm sorry to have to point this out; people are going to be

     I agree, people are going to be people, but they don't have to be as 
disorganized as a soup sandwich.
       I have never seen a tech that keeps their punchings, mutes, cleaning 
supplies and recreational clothing in the same box as their stringing tools, 
business books, and whiskey.  We compartmentalize our tools because it helps 
us find what we need more quickly,(time is money).  Why can't we do the same 
with our discourse?   
   There is a list for the fellowship,  IT IS CALLED THE MPT 
LIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If the chit-chat, repartee, one-liners, and OT stuff 
went there, it would create an appreciative audience on BOTH lists!  Is that 
so hard?

>>OK,, now, make sure your pilot light on the end of the flame-thrower is
still lit....... <snip> Somehow, I don't feel that I'm "ruining" the list.  >>

   It is lit,  and by the light of the flare we see the sign that says, "In 
an avalanche, every snowflake screams innocence!".  I try not to be negative, 
and will probably be less so when the fever drops back below 100 and I can 
hear again, but this is a question of basic organizational principles.  
Ed Foote RPT
(oh yea, the technical part of this post,  the torque on the the 1/0 pins I 
installed,on Chris Robinson's suggestion, in the new Steinway block in our D 
have now, after 5 months have come down from an average of 135 ft/lbs. to 
near 100. It feels great and tunes more easily than any other piano in my 
clientele, which is good, since I see the piano at least two or three times a 
week.  I drilled with a "C" bit in the bass and middle, then switched to a 
"D" bit for the rest.  Speeding up the feed in the very top section gave me a 
slightly softer torque( 90 ft/lbs). 
  It is also reassuring to know that when I restring( to address the 
inevitiable string breakage) I will only have to go to 2/0 pins! 

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