hammer boring.

Clark caccola@net1plus.com
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 20:09:11 -0200

Hi, Ron,

> I built my own

I remember you mentioning it before; what with your previously sweated
upon bridge caps and monster meatsaw, you are one cool recyclin' dude!

If I build one it will be similar to the Renner tool. The reason I've
opted not to use the Brooks jig is I follow a procedure similar to what
Newton posted - measuring string heights, center pin heights, etc.,
blasting them through a spreadsheet template, and found repeated
incremental adjustments were slower than just freehanding the rig to a
mark punched on each molding. The new vise is hefty enough to stay put,
faster and more repeatable to load, if not so easy to lift. The angle
markings are much worse than Brooks' (mine's, uh, second hand - I always
used a protractor anyhow), but soon to be replaced with a vernier scale.
Cheap (I think shipping was free), ugly, but fairly versatile once
"tuned up". I saw an orange Honda motorcycle that looked just like a
Puch minus pedals, now that was sexy.


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