SV: String Splice Time

Clyde Hollinger
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 17:09:40 -0500


     A half hour seems like a long time for tying a string, except maybe for one of those low
bass strings that usually make me mad.
     If I felt the string broke a second time because I did a poor job, I might try again.
But the problem can be that the wire has turned too brittle, in which case I would use a
different string.
     I once tried to service an upright well over a century old.  You couldn't do *anything*
with the strings or they would snap.  The piano wasn't worth saving, so the owners took it
outside and cremated it.


> What do you do when you spent a 1/2 hour tying and the string breaks for the second time?
> Do you tie it again or order a new string?
> Who pays for the 1/2 hour of time already spent to no use, me or the costumer?
> Ola Andersson

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