Last octave/stretching, etc.

Conrad Hoffsommer
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 13:27:15 -0600

At 22:18 12/16/2000 -0600, you wrote:
> > If you're not grumpy and I'm not grumpy, then not everyone is grumpy, and I
> > bet there are a lot of others like you and me!  :-)
> > Regards, Clyde
> > "David M. Porritt" wrote:
> >>  It's the holiday season!  Why is everyone so Grumpy?? dave
>Not me, I'm Sleepy.
>Ron N

Right now I'm a sleepy grump - AND WITH GOOD REASON -, but mostly, I'm 
Bashful...   ;-}

Conrad Hoffsommer - Decorah, Ia.
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