
Walter Gramza
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 11:15:30 -0500

Hi Jim,
I most always with a few acceptions replace the under string felt when
restringing.  As I string,  I space the strings with the regular string
spacer and pull them tight that is relatively close to where they need to
be.   I string with the upright piano tipped over on the tipper starting
with the treble always working from left to right.  This leaves the right
side opened to adequately lift coils and level pins as I go.  In the case
of the grand,  I begin in themiddle section again working from left to
right lifting coils and leveling pins as I proceed throughout the treble.
I then work from left to right in the bass as well.   I have found that
this method is an excellent way to work to be able to get your tools into
your coils for lifting and setting and leveling tuningpins.  I do my final
spacing with the action in the piano aliging the strings to the hammers.  
I learned to string in the  above method as described from my teacher.
Walter Gramza At 02:06 PM 12/16/00 -0500, you wrote:
>I have two questions I'm hoping someone on the List can answer.  
>Before removing the treble strings in a upright piano, is there some
>type of jig that can be made so you know exactly where the new strings
>will go?  Usually, I line them up with the grooves in the old hammers,
>maybe a jig would be better. 
>Also, does anyone have a good method of gluing on a new fallboard felt
>that is neat and even?
>Jim Turner

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