Larger Tuning Pin Installation
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 03:03:00 -0600

>...I didn't mention that this piano will be for sale (by me)...
>Larry Trischetta

Unfortunately, by omitting that bit of information completely alters the
picture.  I was envisioning an in home/church/school repair.

Bottom line: selling a piano to someone that you don't even know will hold
a tune is a questionable business practice.  Not implying you personally,
Larry, just stating such a thing for the Internet record.  I, personally,
would have to be able to monitor the attempted repairs made as to their
success without reservation.

>Based on yours and Jon Page's input, now I don't think so. Yeah! Less work!!!!

Sorry, Larry.  In this instance more work, not less, is required, before
you can let it go into someone else's life with full confidence it is
physically capable of holding a tune, or be willing to take it back if it
doesn't with the intended customer's understanding of said situation.

>...(when no improvement was noticed after tapping a considerable amount, I
>assumed that they were not going to get any better from tapping...

Another point unfortunately left out, tapping had been tried with little
success.  Your assumption about the results is a clear signal there's not
much hope for that particular approach.  Other methods of resolving will
have to be employed to reach the minimum requirement.  It's got to
physically be able to hold a tune.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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