Larger Tuning Pin Installation

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 02:58:36 EST

In a message dated 12/17/00 1:33:30 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> So, I mark suspect tuning pins with Liquid Paper Correction Fluid, and
>  monitor their stability on the next visit, meanwhile advising the customer
>  of such activity.

I didn't mention that this piano will be for sale (by me) but your advice to 
monitor still is relevant. Thanks.

>but a better question would be, is it necessary to replace
borderline tuning pins if they are still holding?

Based on yours and Jon Page's input, now I don't think so. Yeah! Less work!!!!

>I might choose to tap the borderline ones further into the pinblock, if
there is space below the coils to to do so. 

I drove the pins as far as I thought...but as I just inspected 
them closer, I still have about 1/8" left. I'll try a little more tapping. 
(when no improvement was noticed after tapping a considerable amount, I just 
assumed that they were not going to get any better from tapping. But, I'll 
tap some more.)  Jon also mentioned CA glue which worked great for me in the 
past, but as I mentioned in my reply to Jon, I thought replacement was a 
better way to go. Guess not always!

Thanks so much for your help. Nice early Christmas present.

Happy Holidays to you and all the great techs on this list.

Larry Trischetta

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