Larger Tuning Pin Installation

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 02:40:38 EST

> Can the pin be driven slightly deeper in to the block?
The offending pins were driven in as much as possible.

>If the pins are slightly loose, does the tuning hold reasonably? If so
there is no need to change just to get a tighter feeling pin.
The pins held, but I was concerned about the future. I guess I'm doing the 
borderline pins out of fear of a long lasting situation. I am reconditioning 
this grand to put it up for sale, so that's the concern. But you are right, I 
should only replace the ones that don't hold at all. I used CA on another old 
upright with excellent results, but I thought larger pins were a better fix. 
Guess not in every case considering the circumstances. 

>What size pins came out and what size pins were you putting back in?
Number 1/0 (.276") came out and 2/0 (.286") are going in.

Thanks for your advice!
Larry Trischetta

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