ETD's, calculators and the exam
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:37:33 -0600

>...Perhaps a full blown automatic tuning machine in which the
>"proffesional piano
>tuner" need only know how to turn on a power switch ??  How little does a
>have to know before you can no longer qualify them as a piano tech ?
>Richard Brekne

Richard, List,

Thanks for bringing up this notion, as I have tried to conceive over the
years how it would be possible for someone to create such a device.

Currently, I don't see how, *but if* someone ever actually invents such a
thing that will tune pianos, that is portable, that I can afford to
implement and still earn what I do, if not more for being one of the first
in my area to use such a technological innovation, that produces the
results I currently do, or moreso, and do it in less time than I currently
do, bring it on!

I'll still be responding to people who call me to tune their pianos, and
I'll still be going to the bank because of it.  Some customers will
continue to say as they do even today, "I remember when piano tuners used a
tuning fork."  And I'll continue to say, "There are some that still do."

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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