The Final Result (more)
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:38:25 -0600

>...Your position is simply untenable
>and indefensable and I sense you know this.
>Richard Brekne

Dear Richard, List,

While it may be true that any position I have been trying to posture is
untenable and indefensible in the final analysis, whatever sense you are
relying on to believe I know it to be so, is mistaken.

It simply is not so.  What an arrogant fool, I, or anyone would be, to take
a position on any subject, knowing all along from the beginning that there
was no merit in doing so.  Unless, of course, the purpose in doing such
would be to play the Devil's advocate.

While there may be some who might conduct themselves in such a fashion, and
while I am no innocent to having done such things in former times of my
life's journey, I can assure you and this List, that I currently have no
interest in such pursuits, nor in being a party to activities of that
nature anymore.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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