What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The FinalResult)

Meyer Carl cmpiano@home.com
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 21:20:33 -0800

My! My! My!  Following this thread has been interesting if not productive.
I suppose it could be considered piano related, but I would put it in
another category.

Ed, you beat me to it.  I was ignoring all the wild verbage and ready to say
" Children! Children! Quit acting like Jesse Jackson and Al Gore and shut
up!  The point about the law  was the last straw.

That really confirms my suspicion that  generally  RPT's tend to be liberals
(make rules to protect us) and ASSOCIATES tend to be conservatives (let me
alone I'll take care of myself, thank you) .  Several years ago an RPT told
me  "If you don't want to take the test, just don't tune"  My response was
"I don't tell you how to run your business and I'd thank you not to tell me
how to run mine."  Now, several of the RPTs
in our chapter refer work to me that they are unable or unwilling to do.  I
appreciate that.

Our profession is still largely unregulated.  Not so, law and medicine etc.
If we were  regulated like those, noone could afford to have their piano
tuned like nobody can afford health care without insurance which is why
health care is so expensive to start with.

When regulation is discontinued, like power for instance, prices go out of
sight.  Then everybody blames deregulation when the regulation that
preceded the deregulation  is what caused the problem to begin with.  Then
of course the deregulation is painful but the blame is not placed where it

I'm off on a tangent, so I'd better get off before I fall off.  I'll just go
to bed.

Good night, all!

Carl Meyer

----- Original Message -----
From: <A440A@AOL.COM>
To: <pianotech@ptg.org>
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 6:16 PM
Subject: Re: What is and what is not a piano tuner (was Re: The FinalResult)

> Richard.Brekne writes:
> <<and this
> opens a completely different subject matter... I would prefer, given the
> relative
> ease of the PTG's seiries of tests, that anyone who intends on earning
> for
> doing this job we do be required by law to demonstrate at least this level
> competance. It is by no means a difficult task for anyone with even the
> basic
> levels of accomplished skill.>>
>  Greetings,
>         Um,  you mean, you want the government to make the decision who
> and who cannot legally tune a piano?  That has to be the most insane
> suggestion I have heard on this list.
> Regards,
> Ed Foote RPT

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