Last octave/stretching, etc.

Kristinn Leifsson
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 12:20:28 +0000


Once I was tuning for a jazz pianist.

He told me he liked the way *my father* tunes, that the treble is stretched 
Well, great, I thought.
This was after I tuned the grand, naturally.  I told him to try it out.  He 
did, and he liked it very very much.
Great, the thing is that I don´t stretch nearly as much as my father.

Just goes to show how much they really know.

He also told me he had played a gig where he told the "tuner", that he 
liked his treble really stretched.
Apparently this tuner guy wasn´t much of a tuner, and the piano sounded 
really strange afterwards.

He must have taken it really literally that poor guy.  What a joke.
One thing I´ve learned is to take things the musicians say with a grain of 
salt at first, not literally, then think about it, and transcribe it into a 
tuning the way it actually makes, well, at least a teensy bit of sense.

And if you are planning on writing and objecting to my ignoring the needs 
of musicians (and of being a con), please read it again and take it easy.

Best regards,

Kristinn Leifsson,
Reykjavík, Iceland

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