SV: Home Alone

Todd L Mapes
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 06:18:35 -0600

I had a good excuse the other day.  I made the appointment with the wife
for a complimentary follow-up tuning from the store.  I showed up at the
appointed time and no one was home.  Since it was an evening appointment,
I thought maybe they got hung up in traffic or something.  I waited 15
minutes and still no show, so I left a business card in the screen door
with a note on the back asking them to call to reschedule.  Later that
night, the husband called and a little sheepishly said, "My wife is out
of town and I saw a note on the refrigerator that said, 'Piano-6:30
Monday', so I took the kids to their piano lessons.  Boy, was the teacher
surprised!"  HA!  Anyway, I was so amused at his mistake that it kind of
glossed over the whole thing, not to mention that they are always super
nice folks when I see them.  I try not to get too upset when people
forget about me, it keeps me humble and allows me to get through the day
without loading myself up with stress.

Todd L. Mapes
PTG Associate Member
Fort Smith, AR

On Thu, 14 Dec 2000 10:50:43 -0600 "Roy Ulrich" <>
> I like that. I wait ten minutes and go on to the next. 15 if I'm in a 
> good
> mood. But usually, if they're not home a the appointed time, they 
> completely
> forgot I was coming.
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